What is creativity? Can you define it?

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 14:34

Monday 26 January 2009

Few weeks back I had watched the bollywood movie 'Taare Zameen Par', a story about a dyslexic boy who struggles in his ability to spell words, has impairement in motor skills yet has a fantastic gift which is only discovered by a determined teacher. What has that got to do with the title of the post? This I'll come to later in the post.

Creativity for me is the enthuasism, active or passive to work towards something that forces us to think and assess our views about the world we live in. Creativity is present in a range of talents bestowed on us. Some of us can write simplistic stories that have deep meanings, some of us can a paint a wall bringing an infusion of colour that leads to a renewed sense of hope. Some of us play melodious music that shifts our emotions, while some can make us laugh with their perspective of mundane aspect of life. And so the list goes on.

Coming back to the movie mentioned earlier, the main character's gift is an drawing and painting. The kid wanders around his surroundings, gets immersed in daydreams and does everything in his own pace. He refuses to do things at the pace everybody does. A creative person is often an introvert prefering to work on their own. On the other hand, she or he can also thrive in extrovert settings because it is a place where opinions and conceptions are challenged.

Research indicates that the left side of the brain is more logical, organisational while the right side of the brain thrives on emotion, another characteristic sometimes involved in creativity. But to say that those who predominantly use the left side of the brain aren't creative is to say to code things into black or white which should never be the case. We have all the gift of creativity. It is just that it is seen on a different channel.


Heathy said...

Thankyou for the comment on my lastest blog. I love any feedback so thanks a bunch :)
This is an amazing blog. I've never seen the movue but I will deffinetly check it out. As an artist I say that creativity is something that you hold in your subconscious and a bit like a libary you can pull ideas from it at will. But of course you have to put a lot of thinking into it too :) And sometimes you need a bit of inspiration to get your creativity flowing. I'm currently working on a piece of art (acrylic and inks on canvas) for my portfolio for when I go to that scary place called university. And I'm really getting into it; three times I've begged my tutor to stop all this Adobe Flash nonsense and just let me go paint! The price of being a fine artist on a Multimedia course :) Going back to my painting it's completly to do with the subconscious mind and I've had a lot of great interpretations from my fellow student; and it's not even done yet! Once I've finnished I will post a photograph and I'd love it if you would maybe give me your own interpretation. Great blog mister :)

Miss D the Teacher said...

Wow, hard topic to tackle in a blog entry! I'm impressed. I think creativity is way of thinking. Like how some poeple get maths and others don't? It's a way of thinking that allows you to look past the expected.
Thanks for the comment on my blog

Linnie Mouse said...

Hey, thanks for the comment!

I haven't seen the movie either but it sounds pretty interesting.

I agree with Heathy's definition of creativity. To expand on it, in order to get 'books' or ideas and concepts for your 'library' of creativity then you need to be exposed to the creativity of others. For example, someone who has experienced the various cultures and art in the world would possess a lot more creativity than one who has been holed up in a single room with blank walls their entire life. Of course, that's really exaggerating things but it serves to exemplify my point.