What is creativity? Can you define it?

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 14:34

Monday 26 January 2009

Few weeks back I had watched the bollywood movie 'Taare Zameen Par', a story about a dyslexic boy who struggles in his ability to spell words, has impairement in motor skills yet has a fantastic gift which is only discovered by a determined teacher. What has that got to do with the title of the post? This I'll come to later in the post.

Creativity for me is the enthuasism, active or passive to work towards something that forces us to think and assess our views about the world we live in. Creativity is present in a range of talents bestowed on us. Some of us can write simplistic stories that have deep meanings, some of us can a paint a wall bringing an infusion of colour that leads to a renewed sense of hope. Some of us play melodious music that shifts our emotions, while some can make us laugh with their perspective of mundane aspect of life. And so the list goes on.

Coming back to the movie mentioned earlier, the main character's gift is an drawing and painting. The kid wanders around his surroundings, gets immersed in daydreams and does everything in his own pace. He refuses to do things at the pace everybody does. A creative person is often an introvert prefering to work on their own. On the other hand, she or he can also thrive in extrovert settings because it is a place where opinions and conceptions are challenged.

Research indicates that the left side of the brain is more logical, organisational while the right side of the brain thrives on emotion, another characteristic sometimes involved in creativity. But to say that those who predominantly use the left side of the brain aren't creative is to say to code things into black or white which should never be the case. We have all the gift of creativity. It is just that it is seen on a different channel.

Gunners escape from Ninian Park

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 18:31

Sunday 25 January 2009

Watching the Gunners performance against Cardiff in the FA Cup I was left a little frustrated, annoyed and perplexed. And when the final whistle went I blew a sigh of relief even though the momentum of the game had shifted immensely towards the boys from North London.

Decision number one I found surprising was that to play former Cardiff lad Ramsey from the start. The boy is only 18 and although am happy for his progress through the season, I couldn't help but think Wenger massively underestimated the effect the Cardiff crowd would have on Ramsey. Clearly the occasion seem to have got to him with several passes going astray and even getting out muscled by the Bluebird players. This set the tone for the opening period in which truth be told Cardiff City should have been out of sight.

Decision number two that was surprising was that Eboue played. This boy when on song cannot be faulted for commitment but his enthusiasm or lack of enthusiasm at times leads him to make things difficult for himself. He too, like Ramsey passed a man in charitable mood and also received a yellow card for his frankly, pathetic attempt to win a penalty kick.

The introduction of Diaby had me nervous as well but I think it was the first time the boy had a positive impact as a substitute. Tactically, as well, Wenger should have played a 4-5-1 . Ninian Park is a compact ground and the Gunners should have won the midfield battle before outrunning the Bluebirds. Using this formation also Bendtner could have played on the right wing like he did against Hull and Diaby could have replaced either Eboue or Ramsey more so and given us the direct pace and width.

Nevertheless a draw wasn't the worst result in the world and with perhaps a stronger team Cardiff could be in for a hiding at the Emirates and with a relatively easier draw with either the Baggies or Burnley in the next round, FA CUP success looks on the cards.

It is written..

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 17:39

So finally, I saw the much talked about film 'Slumdog Millionaire'. In the summer of 2008, I resisted another media hyped movie in 'Batman' purely because I didn't want to follow the crowd. The difference with Slumdog was that as a Mumbai born kid a portrayal of my home city was always going to intrigue me. And this was the case even before the media momentum began to accelerate towards towards the positive.

I have to confess, I haven't read the novel written by Vikas Swarup, which it is based on. And you haven't either let me tell you this now, this book has significant variations from what I know. Naturally this is a given, Boyle commented this had to be done in order to bring the Bollywood element of romance to a wider audience. As a viewer of Bollywood films this film was a refreshing sight. The glamour shown in Bollywood films was starting to get a little predictable. This film kept many elements real about the city I used to live in and also combined elements of a historic, social, and political nature but kept it brief so as to not distract the audience from the main story itself. The direction also deserves praise for the effortless way it combined past and present.

When I saw the nominations for the Oscar couple of days ago (this was before I actually saw the movie itself!) I was surprised that Dev Patel who plays 'Jamal' and Freida Pinto who plays 'Lathika' weren't nominated for an Oscar themselves. However given the relative lack of dialogue involved, by Freida especially this wasn't too surprising. Nevertheless the efforts of both cannot be downplayed either. Both were acting in their first films and did tremendously well. Dev Patel 'Jamal' who also acted in the UK teen sitcom 'Skinz' plays a role completely in contrast to that in the sitcom and certainly has a bright future.

One key question though, may be the answer to this is "director's/writer's license" but how did the kids learn to speak in what can be termed as 'fluent english'?

An Introduction...

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 16:32

Hey folks!
As the title suggests, this blog is merely to introduce myself. I'll be brief; I'm operating under the pseudonym Vertino Aleci for now while I get used to the blog etiquette and slowly get into the mode of writing (you'll have to bear with me, I am very rusty!).
What will I be blogging about? Well, I am huge fan of cricket and football (or known as soccer to some). So generally the blogs will revolve around the domain of those sports. Occasionally I will pen my thoughts on other issues, watch this space.!
Peace. x

Vertino Aleci


Posted by Vertino Aleci at 16:11

Friday 23 January 2009

Gunners Today was established in January 2009. It was an impulsive creation, a product of boredom. I started off writing posts mainly about Wenger's team selection. However since then I have expanded to write posts on different topics. My support for Arsenal Football Club began in 1999, when I saw them sweep aside Manchester United in the Charity Shield. Up until then I had never heard of Arsenal FC and I took to them immediately. Since then I have become a bigger fan and have come to appreciate the unique brand of football Arsene has employed.