
Posted by Vertino Aleci at 11:55

Sunday 22 February 2009

It has been a while since my last post on here. Again like on my other blog, it has not been because of a lack of topics but rather the need to write a post that is different compared to other ones. So here goes a lighter read, very light in fact, a list of places I have travelled/lived etc etc..

Day/Night Visits
London (here and there lol)

Short Stays
London (South)

Wivenhoe (probably the best town!)

Places I wouldn't mind visiting ...
Nottingham (again, but this is different!)
Scotland (in particular Edinburgh and Glasgow)

Machines and Humans

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 10:55

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to.
-- H. Mumford Jones

Building machines is something that no single person can do and requires teamwork. One may come up with the rough sketch, another may build the parts and someone else might do most of the assembling. Jones perhaps recognises this and so we have the use of the word "ours". No-one person can claim ownership, somewhere along the line they would have to share the glory with someone else. This is illustrated with the use of the word "proud".

Machines are built constantly to aid life whether it is in big industries or for domestic purposes in homes. The use of the phrase "is the age" suggests this as much in that every generation will try and out do the previous generation therefore we should be satisfied in our achievements that will improve our lives.

The quote is balanced however with the second part of the sentence. Somewhere on another blog I had read the quote which went along something like this "if it isn't a competition, why are we called the human race"..(if that didn't make sense I apologise but I hope the meaning is conveyed some how). Anyway, it is about how sometimes thinking is frowned upon simply because it disrupts an aspect that is comfortable and thus now challenged. For me I remember the novel 'Animal Farm' a satire on Communism and Russia, where society was advised and believed everything that was told to them. Anybody who did otherwise was punished.

Machines will follow orders, humans will challenge.

Reviewing Arvind Adiga's 'The White Tiger'

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 16:04

Sunday 8 February 2009

As 'The White Tiger' by Arvind Adiga won the booker prize, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. And so I decided to read it myself. What did I make of it?

The format was an interesting one. The main character, Balram a.k.a Munna a.k.a the White tiger (refered to by a school inspector), decides to write a series of letters to the prime minister of China in order to tell him the truth about Bangalore and more so about India as a whole. An innocent child who had a bright future according to the school inspector is taken out of school in order to help his family ease their debts. From there on begins a journey for Balram where he learns a lot of things, good and bad from the situation he finds himself in at various stages of his life. Born in 'the darkness' as he puts it Balram travels to the capital Delhi before finally landing in the call centre capital of India, Bangalore. The letters gradually shift towards the more recent past and then we find Balram reveal his present status.

This novel a first for Adiga, is refreshingly honest about the part of India we rarely hear about, especially in the Western World. There are many more people like Balram in India who we rarely hear about and worked tirelessly under a system that can often be corrupted. The democracy is 60 odd years old now, so is still finding its way but the novel reveals much of what happens in parts of India.

Adiga tries to do a contrast with many things, the rich vs the poor, the north vs the south, capitalism vs communism, India vs China, master vs servant, men vs women and so forth and for these reasons alone it is a book that must be read in order to get a broader perspective of life in arguably the biggest democracy in the world.

Issues, Issues and News

Posted by Vertino Aleci at 16:44

Sunday 1 February 2009

So many things go through a mind sometimes it is difficult to give detailed attention to one. This has been the problem in recent days and hence there wasn't a post on this blog.

I am just getting used to my PC now safe from any external dangers i.e. viruses, spyware (I hope). Although am not too impressed that my new 5.1 surround speakers are not working at all. So I have a deaf computer or should it be dumb computer since it cannot communicate to me?!

Should wikipedia change the way it operates? The owner Jimmy Wales is thinking of having senior staff look at modification of entries by new or unknown users. So if I wanted to add something, it might not be accepted straightaway. Problem with this system and its been mentioned before is that staff simply wouldn't be able to cope with trying to look at every change being made. The other idea that came up I think was charging users. Now the thing I love about Wikipedia is that it is excellent as a rudimentary source and it is free. A few fools who vandalize an entry, while it is amusing to see these, should not force Jimmy and his Wikipedia force to work in a different way.

Walked in my town centre the other day and saw a KFC advert on one telephone booth and a 'change 4 life' advert on another telephone booth. Found it pretty amusing to see them both side by side. I have to admit the KFC advert is a little rubbish "top urself up for £1.99", just reading the message I'm sure it strengthened the campaign for euthanasia in this country. The picture changed the meaning of course implying that KFC meal would re-charge our energy like electricity and mobile phones. Still a rubbish advert though!

Finally I have just finished "designing" a flyer for a community fun day. Hopefully this should receive better feedback considering it is only my 3rd attempt to create a flyer. It must be said that though that photoshop and design don't really go hand in hand. And the less said about my creativity when it comes to art the better; art in pictures that is, art in words may be another matter altogether.